PDF-Bücher Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains
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Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains

PDF-Bücher Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains
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The first book ever produced with full access the Pink Floyd archive. Published to accompany the V&A's major summer exhibition, Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains, celebrates 50 years of one of the greatest bands of all time. Five essays tackle different aspects of their far-reaching legacy in music and the visual arts. Authors including Jon Savage, Howard Goodall and Rob Young examine what makes the band truly special, from the mythology underpinning their output, through to their experimentation with technology to create new sounds. their epic staging and performance impact will also be explored, along with the anti-authoritarianism that infuses their lyrics.The book is heavily illustrated throughout, emphasizing the essential role that visual material played in supporting the music and creating the lasting Pink Floyd phenomenon.
The first book ever produced with full access the Pink Floyd archive. Published to accompany the V&A's major summer exhibition, Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains, celebrates 50 years of one of the greatest bands of all time. Five essays tackle different aspects of their far-reaching legacy in music and the visual arts. Authors including Jon Savage, Howard Goodall and Rob Young examine what makes the band truly special, from the mythology underpinning their output, through to their experimentation with technology to create new sounds. their epic staging and performance impact will also be explored, along with the anti-authoritarianism that infuses their lyrics.The book is heavily illustrated throughout, emphasizing the essential role that visual material played in supporting the music and creating the lasting Pink Floyd phenomenon.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 319 Seiten
Verlag: Abrams & Chronicle Books; Auflage: 01 (13. Mai 2017)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1851779167
ISBN-13: 978-1851779161
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
24,1 x 2,8 x 31,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.6 von 5 Sternen
3 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 20.948 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Toller Band mit vielen Fotos, die nahezu alle (aber nicht wirklich alle) Ausstellungsstücke der Their-Mortal-Remains-Ausstellung zeigen. (Insbesondere die – zugegebenermaßen nicht ganz so interessante – Spätphase, insbesondere die beiden Live-Alben werden doch sehr vernachlässigt, und das trotz toller Covergestaltung.) Dazu einige gut geschriebene Artikel verschiedener Autoren zu unterschiedlichen Themen zur Band, einige mehr, andere etwas weniger interessant. Insgesamt schön gemacht und absolut lesenswert – auch für alte Pink-Floyd-Fans wie mich.
Being unable to go to the exhibition than is the best available option. Beautiful book with some interesting essays and a load of information about the history of the band. I consider this a must have for each PF fan.
...nichts wirklich Neues, aber eine gute Ergänzung, da unterschiedliche Autoren eben auch unterschiedliche Schreibstile garantieren...in der Verarbeitung ein hochwertiges Buch
Beautiful book featuring band photos, the gear used throughout their career, and a detailed look on what made them so special. This book (and exhibit by the same name) is a fitting end to one of rock's most endearing and unique bands. If you are a Pink Floyd "junkie" like myself, you will have already seen many of the photos, and know of the band's rapid rise in the late 60's, their breakout period of the 70's, their nasty break-up of the mid 80's, and finally their rebirth during the latter part of the 80's. However, thankfully there were plenty of stories and photos here that was even new to me. For a person just discovering Pink Floyd's legacy, this will just blow them away. Just a great book.......so if you are a fan, just click 'Buy' right now, and as said in one of their songs "I can't think of anything to say except....I think it's marvellous! HaHaHa!" ;)
To anyone that purchased the book, I just want to know if all the photos/text showed up on pages between 162 - 175. My book all but about 3 pages are blank and some have a 1/4 photo that very faded. Very disappointed and I just want to know if I received a bad book or not. Other than that, it is a beautiful book.UPDATE: Amazon replaced my book within the week and this book is complete, no issues at all. All pages are beautifully done. This is a wonderful book for all Pink Floyd fans,,,Thank you Amazon!
I just got this book in the mail today - it’s phenomenal so I just wanted to make sure everyone knew about it. It’s a solid hardcover book with an animated DSOTM cover. It’s got lots of pictures I’d never seen before, including lots from the museum exhibit in London. There’s many many articles to read - including some pretty deep analysis of the floyd’s music - and it’s a couple hundred pages long. Really worth the asking price.
I consider myself a BIG Pink Floyd fan. I have the Shine On set, I have the Early Years set, I have the Dark Side and Wish You Were Here Immersion sets, plus plenty of bootlegs, just to establish my bona fides.This is the third Pink Floyd "coffee table" book I own, the other two being Nick Mason's "Inside Out" and Storm Thorgerson's "Mind Over Matter: The Images of Pink Floyd". While those are both excellent volumes, this one is superb.The quality of "Their Mortal Remains" is instantly apparently, from the gorgeous photography (including many snaps of band gear) to the excellent layout. The essays are thoughtful and insightful, although Howard Goodall's made it clear I know very little about music!The album essays are informative, although I would have preferred a little more attention given to Dark Side and WYWH, given how pivotal they were in the band's success. Surprisingly, the profile of The Final Cut mistakenly refers to "Corporal Clegg" appearing on The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. I guess the copy editor missed that one.For anyone with an interest in Pink Floyd, this is the volume to get. It's worth every cent. In fact, I would have gladly paid more for this...even at $65, this would be a steal. And it's the perfect document to mark 50 years since Piper and 1967.
What a fabulous journey through the many decades that Pink Floyd and its members have given us with their art! This book is a gem! It’s huge, detailed and printed on high quality paper. The photographs alone are well worth the cost of the book. The writing is lucid, focused and evocative of the moods Pink Floyd create with their music. This really is a treasure for any fan of the band and its members. I especially appreciate the separate sections for each of their records providing detailed background material that I was not previously aware of. World class in every way!!! Such a fun, interesting and high quality product- well done!
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